After much thought and consideration, the New Jersey State Council on the Arts (the main funder and programmatic co-sponsor of APLI) has decided to pause the program in order to undertake an internal review of APLI and to strategize how they can evolve their approach to these services and increase reach to teaching artists and classroom educators. We are grateful for the support and partnership of the Arts Council, as well as the Grunin Foundation and the Dodge Foundation, valued supporters of APLI.
For those of you that are interested in other professional learning opportunities, you can contact Samantha Clarke (of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts) at Samantha.Clarke@sos.nj.gov or Michael Roberson Reid at mreid@yanjep.org.

Interactive, arts-based professional learning opportunities for school educators and teaching artists.
Interactive. Arts-based. Holistic.
The Arts Professional Learning Institute (APLI) is New Jersey’s arts education professional learning opportunity that pairs teaching artists and school partners in collaborative, engaging workshops throughout the state.
The Arts Professional Learning Institute (APLI) is a co-sponsored project of Young Audiences Arts for Learning NJ & Eastern PA, and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. It is generously supported by the Grunin Foundation and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.